Saturday 10 November 2012

DIY Lip Scrubs!

Hi everyone! So today's post is going to be a DIY, it is how to make your own lip scrub. There are plenty of ways to do it and alot of other blogs have explained but I'm going to share my way how i  like to do it.
Lip scrub!

So I'm going to mention 4 ways.

1) Things you will need for the first option!

1tbsp of coconut oil 

1tbsp of Honey
2tbsp of brown sugar

1)Mix the coconut oil and the honey together with a spoon until the consistency is really soft like thick butter.
2) Add in the brown sugar and mix it all together, but make sure you don't crush the sugar.
3)DONE! You could even add abit of olive oil to make it even more moisturising.
You could put the content in a empty sample pot or a clean empty baby food jar.

Now for the second option which is a little bit easier for the supplies and less time consuming.

things you will need.

1)Vaseline(Or if you have an all time favourite lip balm you could use that's.

2)Brown sugar(If you don't have that you can just use normal sugar)

So what you want to do is smother and really thick layer of the Vaseline all over your lips so there is alot on them, let just add some of the brown sugar to your lips and start exfoliating with your finger in circular motions on your lips. Then just wipe away. Or just mix the Vaseline and brown sugar and put it in a little jar but that would be messier i feel.

For the third way!

What you will need:

1)Olive oil
2)Brown sugar.

Now as same for all the rest just put the olive oil in a little bowl and add the sugar and mix together until you have a paste, then just rub it on your lips to exfoliate them.

Now for the last way!

I only ever use this if i have really bad chapped lips, maybe in the winter, because it is a little abrasive, anyway, so what you need:

1)Very soft toothbrush


So just put the Vaseline on your lips or the bristles of the brush and gently rub the brush in circular motions on your lips.

So that is it! Four ways to exfoliate your lips without buying an expensive one.

I recommend after all these methods to either apply the Vaseline or your favourite lip balm all over your lips because exfoliating your lips will make them soft but make them quite dry.

Super soft lips!

Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed it, and please subscribe so you can be updated on my new post coming every Wednesday+Saturday, Bye!



  1. Juu, hezký článek. Ještě jsem lip scrub nezkoušela. Takže se na to vrhnu, hlavně teď, kdy už je skoro zima.

  2. Loved this! I do the last one and it really works but might give it a go making my own DIY scrub!

  3. I can't wait to try these!




  4. love this! I was actually just looking online the other day for some really simple DIY lip scrubs and these ones are perfect!

  5. So simply its unreal!!
    xoxo ;)

  6. I have bookmarked this page! I am so going to do this!

  7. This sounds great!
    Very nice post and blog! xx

  8. Hi Lauren

    I love vaseline for the lips but thanks for sharing the other recipes, who would have thought to use sugar to exfolliate (not me).

    Good tips!

    1. Same, and no problem at all! I would not have thought it at first aswell but it does work!:)


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